IAM appliance - iam-docker-settings

RPM package iam-docker-settings holds vital configuration for the Docker daemon. It (knowingly) overwrites Docker’s configuration files!

The version 0.1-1 disables default bridge interface. However, the docker network appliance is not managed in any way, but it is used in the appliance operations. It is therefore necessary to have the appliance docker network created:

docker network create --opt "com.docker.network.bridge.name=appliance" appliance

The package is built "the usual way" using the bcv-rpmbuild container.

Included functionality

  • Automatic deletion of unused Docker images

    • There is a scheduled job which runs once a week. It deletes all images that don’t have a container created to them.

    • This job composes of systemd timer /usr/lib/systemd/system/iam-docker-images-prune.timer and systemd service /usr/lib/systemd/system/iam-docker-images-prune.service.

    • You can run the job manually by executing systemctl start iam-docker-images-prune.service.